31 May 2011

It`s time to move...

...to a vacation house, where you can relax, and enjoy being in luxury, with no strings attach to your primary home... So there the interior must do only one thing-to make you feel good...

I must say, I love mediterranean architecture, because they can be so simple and pure in concept, without worrying about the floods or any kind of rain for that fact, so the rooftop can be a simple line or a strong emphasis. It can be no difference in material, and the details are never complicated and are just purified to the only thing and that is architecture...

So this one is of course spanish architecture, a result of a competition between three offices, where Pedro Reis won. The border line between inner and outdoor is almost not seen, the elements of water is the plot, and the human is a roll figure in this play...

27 May 2011

United colours of a house..

Thank god it`s almost summer, because all I see nowadays is colours.
For some times I think I avoided colours, as too much would ruin the pure concept of the building... But now I am really glad to see more and more architecture, which explore the meaning, function and the atmosphere of colours in architecture.

So this one without colours wouldn`t be the same, don`t you agree? This building could easily be the headquarters of UNITED COLOURS OF BENETTON.

The colours makes you look up when entering the building and almoust force you to see the sky, wait a minute and just enjoy...

Just love the playfulness of exterior as interior...

The architecture by Emmanuelle Moureaux architecture+design

Photos by Nacasa & Partners Inc.

26 May 2011

The Opus for...

The first glimpse on this pictures was that this is a creative sewing atelier, with magnificent scent of bright yellow colour. Allthough the thought wasn`t the right one, it is still amazing and creative for this shop, specialised in hooks for handbags. The design is from Paradox Studio from Taiwan and I must admit, it brings a smile on my face. As if to say..here the sun always shines :)

Also love the Grčič chairs!!

24 May 2011

Living La Vida Hotel

Because there is so much of great architecture in the world and because this is the perfect timing to travel around the world, the word HOTEL just sprung from the ground. So this hotel is something I would like to design, because it is just perfect for Alice in wonderland theme.

Barcelo Ravel Hotel is designed by Jordi Gali and I must say I really love that the ceiling is as important as the other elements. The concept is pure and theatrical, and the atmosphere just takes you to place full of imagination and inspiration. Love it, and hopefully will soon be there at least just to sit in their lounge and just breathe the same air as this horse-man do :):)