27 Apr 2012

Live, work, create

Like veni, vidi, vici. Or one, two, three... It's time to start what you have in mind, stand at train platform, look at your wornout tennis shoes ( preferably your Allstar trainers) and just go with the creative flow!
A new beggining... A fresh start! Jump!!!

23 Apr 2012

The body

Finally my first post sent from my mobile. God, that feels good. Why? Because I can now post something while travelling to work every day and then come home and do something else;) to see what... Well, lets try your imagination instead :) enjoy the photos

22 Apr 2012

Let's get creative

Once you get into the habit of work, you can be more productive in the things you want to do. So let's finally get creative!
Photos from sunday visit of Floral market and City farm...And of course, the artist itself :)

12 Apr 2012