Allthough he is my favourite designer - I consider him as a genius - I really don´t know why I havent bloged about him... Maybe because he is so valuable to me? Perhaps...and maybe I didn´t wan´t to share him with the world- though he is truly famous and needn´t to be introduced at all, because his work speaks for itself.. I could immidiately recognise his work of art...almoust smell it perhaps... His work inspire us in the way that ordinary things are not ordinary anymore- the world is not serious and dull anymore when his design take place... It become a fairytale, a wonderland...or should I say Wanderland.... The world is his playground and luckily he let us play, observe, feel and experience all the things he creates...
But not just his work enthusiates me, also his interviews and speaches are so amazing! He just fill the atmosphere with optimism, joy and unique designer creativity and freedom...He inspires me in the way that I also want to contribute to this world and to make it a better and more exciting playground.