Ghost chair, Philippe Starck
I know it´s just my third post, but I´we noticed that all I post is just fashion. I must admit that I can get a bit obsessed with it, because there is so much magic in it and it feels like you are Alice in wonderland :) Looking for those girls dressing up, playing with clothes, changing characters...well...it´s just magic :) And allthough it is not the same, but also in architecture I can get that feeling of being like a girl in a candy store. To play, getting silly, twisting around things you take for granted.... this things just make a world a better place.
As an architect, a designer and fashionista I just love being inspired by coarchitects and people who just make art. And there are some people who had and has a big impact in my creative work.
That kind of inspiration is absolutely Philippe Starck. A madman in industry. A man that has no boundaries and takes life as one huge playground. When i first got to know him, his work..I instantly fell in love. I absolutely adore his products, that allways bring some humor in daily life.
the supermanWell, some say that he has a big ego, but isn´t the confidence that atracts people? So what..he can have his ego, because he deserved it. His products speaks for itself. I just hope, there will still be those egomaniacs, that simply brings magic and addoration in our lives.
So, here are some products, which I just love and also got one :) my SALIF :):)
Salif, the juicer