19 Oct 2011

My new bussiness card

Just texting to say hi from London, where everything is here like on a roller coaster, so I don`t have much time to write.. But at least I can send you my e-bussiness card, so now you have my English contact :)
(If it would be in blue, white and red, it would really be too much, so I designed more stylish one just for now :)
So, for now this is it, but I promise as soon as I settle down, I˙ll post some stories about my London`s adventure.

13 Oct 2011

10 Oct 2011

Philip Plein store

 What do girls like? Shopping!!! And where is the best country to do this? In a land of fashion, Italy, of course. So the AquiliAlberg architecture & design studio  designed in Forte dei Marmi a fabulous store for Philip Plein. The glossy whiteness and chrystal skull makes this store a place to visit for those shopoholics...Love, love, love...      

6 Oct 2011

A memorial to Steve Jobs

Today, at the age of 56, Steve Jobs lost the battle against cancer. Hope, you`ll light up the world outside ours...RIP

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters
to me.” Steve Jobs

4 Oct 2011


 This fLabulous tabLe named FLAB by Kenyon Yeh is just fLantastic! InspLired by cLassic tabLe and transfLorming it into this fresh and modern furniture, is pLerfect for us dLesign freaks!
Oh, I started to tLalk and wrLite strangeLy...I guess it`s infLectious.. ;)

fat free journey

Since I`ve temporarly moved on the other side of a town and have now half an hour cycling to my work, I think this picture represents my daily rutine of fat free journey :) I just love it, getting my autumn sun tan and a fresh air and of course a wind in my hair. And feeling so Dutch :)