I allways regret not to write on this blog, because a lot things happen during this absence but though I constantly say next time i`ll write more often, it usually gets to the point like this...
More then six months later and with pocket full of events, moments and feelings that can`t be described in one blog.

But ok, I promise next time I`ll try (again) to be more up to date :)

So....it is a baby girl... and yes ... one Aquarius more in our familly... and no... it is not mine, hehe :) at least not yet- you know how those young girls always says: still have time for that!
My lovely sis just gave birth to this most cute baby on the world. Little princess Laura came to this world just before my birthday, just on time so I could see her on friday. So this year I got a gift for my Bday in the image of my little niece.

And because this is a lifestyle blog, I can`t help it to post some pictures dedicated to our new familly member... For others to see that you can still be stylish and cute as hell :P
So this is for you, little Laura....

DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
DODO bassinet by Spanish Baby Suommo
koo and poppet
lala shoes by etsy
lala shoes by etsy
lala shoes by etsy
lala shoes by etsy

...and sweet dreams....